Propeller Guards
I"'m Pete Jones from
Concord, New Hampshire (USA)
I'd like to extol the value and merits of your
prop guard
product. I
called recently to order my second one. I have one on my 50 horse pontoon
boat, now I'm ordering one for my 15 horse Mariner on my 14 foot Grumman
fishing boat. The guard paid for itself 4 times over last summer. I can't
wait to get one on our small boat before my two sons hit the water again
this year. The guard is about the same price as the blade on my outboard,
so it'll pay for itself the first rock my son finds in our river.
They go on easy, stay firm and I
really feel my motor is protected. I don't know why you haven't sold one
of these for every boat yet. Don't worry, when word gets out, YOU WILL!
Attached you'll find a picture I
took recently of the guard on my 50 horse 4 cycle. It's in a foot of snow
in our back yard. It's winter here now, but it'll warm up soon and it'll
be back in the water then. The
prop guard covers the blade all four
seasons here at our house and this picture shows it.
Thanks again,"
Pete Jones

"This guard paid for itself 4
times over last summer." |
Thanks I received the
guard yesterday. It looks great! I hope to install it in the next
couple of days. Good to see PRIDE OF
Thomas Schneider
I have a Yamaha 9.9 HP, 4
stroke high thrust trolling motor on a 24 foot aluminum cabin cruiser. The
prop is currently uncovered and I just ate another downrigger line in a
high wind today. I would like to guard the prop as this is the fourth time
I've wound line.
Doug & Peg Albertson
I lost only 4 mph on the top end but it's already saved me 2 props! Thanks.
Thomas Schneider
Adjustable Seat for
Inflatable Boats
seat has worked out better than expected. I also added a pair of cushioned
folding seats (similar to those in a bass boat). It's far more comfortable
than my friend's Zodiac with factory installed seating and certainly less
C. Douglas Johnson
Engine Stabilizers
Just thought I'd drop you a
quick note to let you know I had a chance to run my 12-1/2' portable with
the 1000 stabilizer on my Nissan 5hp. I
am very happy with the results! I was having some ventilation issues on my
rig, which the stabilizer has completely eliminated. In addition, my hole
shot has improved and I can maintain planing speed at lower throttle.
Yours is the only product I've found that is made specifically for smaller
motors and actually fits on my Nissan. Many thanks again for your help.
Todd Voigt
I would like to take this
opportunity to let you know that since I have installed your
Stabilizer to my twin 250hp Yamaha
outboard motors on my 30' Grady White Marlin boat, it has made a drastic
difference in performance! The aluminum stabilizer planes the 12,000 lb.
boat in an instant and allows me to stay up even in lower RPM range, which
in the process also increases my cruising range with a more economical
fuel consumption. This is to let you know, I am very pleased with the
stabilizer and your service.
Fil Jorge
Avante Construction
We tried the
stabilizer on the new long shaft 20hp
with our new boats yesterday, and found it gave a quicker, flatter
acceleration - and no spray. As we are going to go up front with 16 boats
(20hp - 35hp Johnsons) we would like to order a dozen. Please advise us on
the cost etc., we will be opening May 1st at the Anchor Inn. Thank You.
Blair McLean
The Hoeya Hilton
I'm going to keep the 15
horsepower Evinrude 2 stroke because of its extremly low profile...
stealthy for winter duck hunting!!!! I removed and junked the hydrofoil...
ready to mount a new model 1000 stabilizer
in its place. Bankes boats are right on the money regards transom mounting
heights / cavitation plate placement for peak efficiency. Your product
functioned flawlessly and dramaticaly enhanced performance on my Yamaha 4
stroke, while the hydrofoil type product, (without ample water above the
wing) was rendered totally ineffective and detrimental to performance.
I decided on the 1000 because either model will fit the Evinrude, it will
be used on the same boat as the Yamaha with 1000 so i'm opting in favor of
it's portability. Thank you very much!!!
Frank Carey
stabilizers (not to be confused with
common hydrofoil type) really enhance performance on the Intruder! With
any appropriate power your customers will be amazed. You should definately
try a model 1100 on the Dominator... It will make a 25HP act like a 40 but
without the increase in fuel.
Frank Carey